So where do I really start? I'm a 27 year old self-taught caker from Manchester. I've always enjoyed baking since I can remember. I have very early memories of my Grandma (Nanny Pops) letting me help her out in the kitchen when I was younger. Being in the kitchen has always been one of my favourite past-times. It's like another world in there!
My baking journey actually started not long after I'd graduated from uni. I had been struggling to find a job and wasn't really dealing with unemployment and the pressure I put on myself to find a career very well. After countless interviews and assessments I pretty much wasn't myself anymore, I'd lost my sparkle. I know I'm going on a little bit now, but this is the part where I tell you how baking saved my life. I almost feel like I got up one morning and decided I wanted to bake cupcakes. In complete honesty I tend to do this a lot, so far I've been a nurse, a ballet dancer, beautician and a mechanic just to name a few randomly selected interests of mine. But baking really stuck with me. I started off using Betty Crocker cake mixes and buttercreams and as time went on I found myself adding colourings, flavours and decorations. This was when I knew it was time to go it alone. So I took off the training wheels, found a few recipes and slowly made my way to becoming Miss Darling Cupcake. It has been such a long and trying journey but it has totally been worth it. I've been baking as Darling Cupcake for around 3 years now and I have no intention of stopping. My love for cupcakes has turned into a passion for cakes, desserts, pies you name it! Baking definitely gave me back my sparkle and I'm going to enjoy sharing with everyone.
All artwork and illustration for this blog is by Benjamin Mcleod. More of Ben's work can be found here.